
Practice Practice Practice

It may be a cliche but practice makes perfect. Many times it is hard to get better at drawing due to the fact that we don’t practice new techniques leading us to stay in our comfort. This can cause us to just keep drawing the same thing and this doesn’t let us advance

There are of course other factors like time management. Making time for drawing can be key even if it’s just for a few minutes because every minute you draw is a minute more that you have been practicing.

In reality there are many things that get in the way of us doing the things that we love or enjoy to do in life such as drawing so it’s important to know that we have to find time to do the stuff we love to do.

New Years Drawing

Many are excited for the New Year and what it has to bring for artists this involves drawing a lot more than in the previous year and even trying to get better at drawing.

For some people such as myself it’s hard to find inspiration for drawing so it’s good to get out once in a while and just look at your surroundings to find inspiration on what to stetch. For example if you live near a forest or lake it could be useful and inspirational to draw the scenery even if you don’t live by a lake or forest and maybe live in the city you can still draw your surroundings.

A common problem within drawers is just plainly staying motivated this can be tough because if you aren’t drawing you aren’t learning new techniques and you aren’t improving your drawing skills.

Holiday Art

As Christmas approaches many people like to celebrate by putting up a tree and decorating it with ornaments.

One easy and personal thing anyone could do is get clear ornaments and markers then decorate. This is easy as anyone who tries can do it.

To start off you could try a easy design to get used to the slipperiness of the ornaments you have.

Once you feel comfortable with drawing or writing on your ornaments you could try doing a harder design that requires a bit more of effort then before.

I hope you had fun until next time.

First Post

This is the excerpt for your very first post.

For my first post I have decided to teach you how to draw a eye.

Start off by drawing the circle than the surrounding shape for this drawing i choose to do a anime/manga styled eye.



After that i like to draw the eyes reflection this is just an oval shape at the top right hand corner and part of it will go through the circle erase anything that goes through the highlight.


Draw a half oval that reaches the highlight but doesn’t go through it and continue to draw the oval this will be the pupil.


Once you have done this color the pupil in.


Draw another smaller highlight going through the pupil again erase anything going through the highlight.


If you want to you could color the rest of the eye with a colored pencil or something but I’m just going to shade it with my pencil. What i did was start off with darkening the top of the eye than gradually softening the shading.


Once the shading is done you can add some finishing details like the eye lid one sees when your eyes are opened. To do this you can simply draw a slightly curled line above the eye and a smaller one above the bigger one.


If you want to make the eye look even more feminine you could add eyelashes to do so just make upward motions but in this style just draw a couple at the end of the top if you want you could do the bottom too.img_2771

And there you go all done and good luck.